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Ever Wondered How a Car Battery Actually Works?

We all know how important a car battery is. No battery means no car. Many of us don’t actually know how these batteries power our engines, lights and radio, or even what they actually are?

Lets start with what batteries are:

According to NASA a battery is a device that translates chemical energy into electricity.

How do car batteries work?

A car battery supplies electrical energy to a motor vehicle and its main purpose is to start an engine. Once the engine is running, the alternator supplies power for the cars electrical system.

There are three important things inside a car battery:

  • The 2 connectors that go out of the battery, known as the cathode and anode.

  • A solution that the cathode and anode sit in.

During normal operation, a chemical reaction occurs between the solution and the anode, the result is a chemical reaction that produces electrons. The electrons race around the plates and generate electricity. The electricity flows out of the battery terminals to start your engine, turn on your headlights, and play the radio.

This chemical reaction is entirely reversible, which is why you can jumpstart your battery and continue to charge it throughout the duration of its life. When a battery dies, it is usually because one or more of the chemical reactants is more or less used up. By applying current to the battery at just the right voltage, lead and lead dioxide will form on the plates and you can reuse your battery, over and over again!

Should I get a new car batteries?

Even though most car batteries are extremely reliable , a typical battery will only last around three to five years.

If you not sure, let one of our trained technicians have a look at your battery life span. Need replacing, we can help you with new batteries.

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